59 research outputs found

    UC Updatable Non-Hiding Committed Database with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    We define an ideal functionality \Functionality_{\DB} and a protocol \mathrm{\Pi_{\DB}} for an updatable non-hiding committed database (\DB). \DB is described as the task of storing a database into a suitable data structure that allows you to efficiently prove in zero-knowledge (ZK) that a value is stored in the database at a certain position. The database is \emph{non-hiding} because both prover and verifier know its content. It is \emph{committed} in the sense that only ZK proofs about position-value pairs that are actually stored are possible. It is \emph{updatable} because its contents can be modified dynamically throughout the protocol execution. The \DB task is used implicitly as building block of privacy-preserving protocols for e-commerce, smart billing and access control. In those protocols, this task is intertwined with others. Our functionality \Functionality_{\DB} allows us to study constructions for this task in isolation. Furthermore, it allows us to improve modularity in protocol design, by using \Functionality_{\DB} as building block of those protocols along with functionalities for other tasks. Our construction \mathrm{\Pi_{\DB}} uses a non-hiding vector commitment (VC) scheme as building block. Thanks to the efficiency properties of non-hiding VC schemes, \mathrm{\Pi_{\DB}} provides ZK proofs whose computation cost (after initialization) and whose size are both independent of the database size. Therefore, \mathrm{\Pi_{\DB}} is suitable for large databases. Moreover, the database can be updated dynamically and very efficiently

    Issuer-Free Oblivious Transfer with Access Control Revisited

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    Oblivious transfer with access control (OTAC) is an extension of oblivious transfer where each message is associated with an access control policy. A receiver can obtain a message only if her attributes satisfy the access control policy for that message. In most schemes, the receiver's attributes are certified by an issuer. Recently, two Issuer-Free OTAC protocols have been proposed. We show that the security definition for Issuer-Free OTAC fulfilled by those schemes poses a problem. Namely, the sender is not able to attest whether a receiver possesses a claimed attribute. Because of this problem, in both Issuer-Free OTAC protocols, any malicious receiver can obtain any message from the sender, regardless of the access control policy associated with the message. To address this problem, we propose a new security definition for Issuer-Free OTAC. Our definition requires the receiver to prove in zero-knowledge to the sender that her attributes fulfill some predicates. Our definition is suitable for settings with multiple issuers because it allows the design of OTAC protocols where the receiver, when accessing a record, can hide the identity of the issuer that certified her attributes

    On the Insecurity of a Method for Providing Secure and Private Fine-Grained Access to Outsourced Data

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    The protection of sensitive data stored in the cloud is paramount. Among the techniques proposed to provide protection, attribute-based access control, which frequently uses ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CPABE), has received a lot of attention in the last years. Recently, Jahan et al.~(IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2015) propose a scheme based on CPABE where users have reading and writing access to the outsourced data. We analyze the scheme by Jahan et al.\ and we show that it has several security vulnerabilities. For instance, the cloud server can get information about encrypted messages by using a stored ciphertext and an update of that ciphertext. As another example, users with writing access are able to decrypt all the messages regardless of their attributes. We discuss the security claims made by Jahan et al.\ and point out the reasons why they do not hold. We also explain that existing schemes can already provide the advantages claimed by Jahan et al

    Unlinkable Updatable Databases and Oblivious Transfer with Access Control

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    An oblivious transfer with access control protocol (OTAC) allows us to protect privacy of accesses to a database while enforcing access control policies. Existing OTAC have several shortcomings. First, their design is not modular. Typically, to create an OTAC, an adaptive oblivious transfer protocol (OT) is extended ad-hoc. Consequently, the security of the OT is reanalyzed when proving security of the OTAC, and it is not possible to instantiate the OTAC with any secure OT. Second, existing OTAC do not allow for policy updates. Finally, in practical applications, many messages share the same policy. However, existing OTAC cannot take advantage of that to improve storage efficiency. We propose an UC-secure OTAC that addresses the aforementioned shortcomings. Our OTAC uses as building blocks the ideal functionalities for OT, for zero-knowledge (ZK) and for an \emph{unlinkable updatable database} (\UUD), which we define and construct. \UUD is a protocol between an updater \fuudUpdater and multiple readers \fuudReader_k. \fuudUpdater sets up a database and updates it. \fuudReader_k can read the database by computing UC ZK proofs of an entry in the database, without disclosing what entry is read. In our OTAC, \UUD is used to store and read the policies. We construct an \UUD based on subvector commitments (SVC). We extend the definition of SVC with update algorithms for commitments and openings, and we provide an UC ZK proof of a subvector. Our efficiency analysis shows that our \UUD is practical

    Security Analysis of Coconut, an Attribute-Based Credential Scheme with Threshold Issuance

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    Coconut [NDSS 2019] is an attribute-based credential scheme with threshold issuance. We analyze its security properties. To this end, we define an ideal functionality for attribute-based access control with threshold issuance. We describe a construction that realizes our functionality. Our construction follows Coconut with a few changes. In particular, it modifies the protocols for blind issuance of credentials and for credential show so that user privacy holds against computationally unbounded adversaries. The modified protocols are slightly more efficient than those of Coconut. Our construction also extends the public key, which seems necessary to prove unforgeability

    "The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer'' Revisited

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    In 2015, Chou and Orlandi presented an oblivious transfer protocol that already drew a lot of attention both from theorists and practitioners due to its extreme simplicity and high efficiency. Chou and Orlandi claimed that their protocol is universally composable secure (UC-secure) in the random oracle model under dynamic corruptions. UC-security is a very strong security guarantee that assures that, not only the protocol in itself is secure, but can be also used safely in larger protocols. Unfortunately, in this work we point out a flaw in their security proof for the case of a corrupt sender. In more detail, we define a decisional problem and we prove that, if a correct security proof for the Chou and Orlandi's protocol is provided, then this problem can be solved correctly with overwhelming probability. Therefore, the protocol of Chou and Orlandi cannot be instantiated securely with groups for which our decisional problem cannot be solved correctly with overwhelming probability. Consequently, the protocol of Chou and Orlandi cannot be instantiated with {\em all} groups \G in which the CDH problem is intractable, but only with groups in which both the CDH problem is intractable and our decisional problem can be solved with overwhelming probability. After the appearance of our work, Chou and Orlandi acknowledged the problems we pointed out in their security proof and subsequent works showed additional issues, removing the claims of UC security of their protocol

    UC Priced Oblivious Transfer with Purchase Statistics and Dynamic Pricing

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    Priced oblivious transfer (POT) is a cryptographic protocol that can be used to protect customer privacy in e-commerce applications. Namely, it allows a buyer to purchase an item from a seller without disclosing to the latter which item was purchased and at which price. Unfortunately, existing POT schemes have some drawbacks in terms of design and functionality. First, the design of existing POT schemes is not modular. Typically, a POT scheme extends a k-out-of-N oblivious transfer (OT) scheme by adding prices to the items. However, all POT schemes do not use OT as a black-box building block with certain security guarantees. Consequently, security of the OT scheme needs to be reanalyzed while proving security of the POT scheme, and it is not possible to swap the underlying OT scheme with any other OT scheme. Second, existing POT schemes do not allow the seller to obtain any kind of statistics about the buyer's purchases, which hinders customer and sales management. Moreover, the seller is not able to change the prices of items without restarting the protocol from scratch. We propose a POT scheme that addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. We prove the security of our POT in the UC framework. We modify a standard POT functionality to allow the seller to receive aggregate statistics about the buyer's purchases and to change prices dynamically. We present a modular construction for POT that realizes our functionality in the hybrid model. One of the building blocks is an ideal functionality for OT. Therefore, our protocol separates the tasks carried out by the underlying OT scheme from the additional tasks needed by a POT scheme. Thanks to that, our protocol is a good example of modular design and can be instantiated with any secure OT scheme as well as other building blocks without reanalyzing security from scratch
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